Contact Us

Due to time zone differences and the ability to check availability and pricing on our website, we do not take reservations over the phone. Please CLICK HERE to make a reservation or to inquire about availability. Your booking confirmation email will contain the direct cell phone number of the House Manager.

If you need to speak with someone by phone, please email us at the address below and include your phone number and your time zone. We will call you back as soon as possible. Please remember that we are in the Hawaiian time zone.

We are unable to provide pricing or availability over the phone nor by email.

Please click book now to search our availability or see pricing for your desired dates.
Searching spans of longer stays will automatically result in lower prices.

Please feel free to contact us with questions, comments and concerns:

Kenhena Mauka Nui Club

12-7232 Mauka Nui St.

Pahoa, HI 96778